Reviews Reviews

In today’s landscape there has been ongoing conversation about the affordability of essential medications and the impact that improved access can have on the health outcomes of members of our community. Organizations that have dedicated themselves to helping provide affordable medications and supplies to patients have stood out as resources for individuals who would like to learn more about the realities of their mission.

The Canadian Drugstore is one such organization that has remained dedicated to increasing access to affordable medications and educating others on key concepts within the pharmaceutical space. Through a collection of high-level resources that demystify pharmaceutical access, the scope of increasing access to affordable medications, and more reviews hope to help others grow their understanding of their space and the urgency of the work The Canadian Drugstore performs.

About Canadian Drugstore

The Canadian Drugstore was founded over two decades ago with the mission to provide the world’s best prices for prescription medications. Combined, the team has over 100 years of cumulative experience in the pharmaceutical industry and draws from this expertise to contribute to methods of innovating affordable care for patients worldwide. The Canadian Drugstore facilitates this process by shipping affordable medications to patients within 30-days regardless of their location, empowering them to save up to 80% on what they might expect to pay at local pharmacies. reviews how its site provides access to affordable name brand and generic medications and is founded on the belief that all members of our communities should have access to the safest and most affordable medications available on the market. reviews maintain that the organization works tirelessly to uphold its mission and provide high-quality, affordable medications for its users every day. The Canadian Drugstore speaks to how the concept of American patients travelling to Canada for cheaper medication pointed to the importance of increasing access to these prescriptions through digital channels, and the organization has remained dedicated to making this practice a product of the past. Customers of The Canadian Drugstore note that the organization sincerely cares about saving them money on essential medications and is a proponent of upholding quality customer service throughout the process. Reviews the Impact of Unaffordable Medications on Communities Reviews

As a provider of affordable medications, The Canadian Drugstore consistently speaks to the scope of its work and the continued impact that it has for individuals struggling with various health conditions worldwide. reviews recognizes that there has been ongoing conversation within the pharmaceutical industry on the multiple ways that unaffordable medications can impact our communities and, here, reviews a few of the most notable examples.

Taking Cost-Cutting Measures into Their Own Hands

When reviews some of the dangers of patients not having access to affordable medications, it finds that it can sometimes drive patients to take cost-cutting measures into their own hands. In some cases, patients do not take medication as prescribed by skipping doses, taking less than advised, or waiting to fill prescriptions to cut costs. Experts find that this “strategy” is much more common in uninsured adults who may have exorbitantly high out of pocket costs for mainstream medications for their conditions. The dangers of this are clear to healthcare professionals — cost-cutting measures are extremely drastic to health outcomes. These methods can have a slew of negative affects effects such as worsening symptoms, increased rates of emergency room visitation, and declining quality of life. In some examples, cost-cutting by not taking medications as prescribed can even lead to severe worsening of symptoms or death.

Struggling with Financial Difficulties and Debt reviews how some mainstream medications are marked up by as much as 300% before being sold to patients and this concept has played a huge role in the relative unaffordability of medications in the US. As a result, patients who choose to pay the stated price for their pharmaceuticals may find themselves with significant financial difficulties or debt. In the United States, some 23 million people owe significant medical debt, many of whom suffering due to chronic illnesses, related medications, and treatments. One of the damaging impacts of financial difficulties and medical debt brought by unaffordable medications is that it can impact patients’ lives on a wholistic level. Receiving housing or future medical care, applying for a credit card, purchasing a vehicle, and a variety of other situations within our personal lives can be made much more difficult when we are impacted by the high cost of medications. Reviews

Skipping Necessary Appointments

Some individuals within our communities acknowledge that they cannot afford prescriptions or treatment options outlined by their medical professionals and make the decision to skip appointments and prescriptions reviews that this is a dangerous practice that neglects the various health needs of the patient and can lead to serious illness or death as a long term health outcome. Researchers find that 21% of adults aged 18-64 have not undergone a medical test or treatment because of the cost, with many upholding that the price of prescription medication for chronic conditions played a vital role in the decision. Increasing access to the affordable pharmaceuticals could have a profound impact on improving outcomes for the over 1.1 million people expected to pass over the next decade due to an inability to pay for their medications.

What Options Do Individuals Have for More Affordable Access? reviews the various methods that individuals can utilize to achieve more affordable costs for their medications, finding that one of the most common strategies is to ask a trusted medical professional to prescribe generic version of their pharmaceuticals. The Canadian Drugstore notes that this is not always a viable strategy for decreasing costs, however, and recommends that patients consider consulting direct to consumer platforms that offer medications at an affordable price.

More from Reviews

The Canadian Drugstore recognizes that there are many individuals who would like to learn more about access to medication and the role that the organization and similar groups play in increasing affordability of patients’ necessary pharmaceuticals. To this point, reviews will serve as a resource for helping others better understand the space, its scope, and impact in today’s landscape. Future posts will address core concepts such as conditions that patients routinely seek access to affordable medication for, how organization like The Canadian Drugstore serve as affordable alternatives to American pharmacies, and recent developments in the realm of affordable medication.

Are you interested in learning more about affordable medication from an industry veteran such as The Canadian Drugstore? Check reviews frequently for more information, insights, and updates from professionals at the helm of bringing affordable medications to patients.